Marlla Lemos Lane - University of Massachusetts, Boston

2023 marked my third year building home in Seattle, Washington and my first out of grad school. I continued my work as a therapist and care coordinator in Seattle Public Schools until June but ultimately decided not to return due to an unexpected personal loss and burnout. I’m grateful to have spent the year learning from and supporting such resilient young people while gaining an understanding of the systems that are struggling to meet their needs. During the summer months, I nannied for two energetic toddlers and got back to my animal-loving roots working as a stable hand on a large horse farm. This fall, I began in my new role as the care coordinator for a collective of therapists who specialize in politicized healing and trauma processing for the queer and trans community. I am excited to be a part of this collective and their commitment to connecting political conditions with individual and collective mental health. Amidst a full year, I continue to explore my own gender and feel increasingly embodied as I integrate pieces of my expression that were long buried. Life is short and what an honor to really live it! Thank you MVYouth for your support during undergrad and for being part of the reason I can pursue such a full life, post-grad and beyond.

Marlla Lemos - UMASS, Boston


As times continue to be hectic, I am happy to report that in September 2020 I was offered a full-time position at the law firm I interned at my junior year of college. I now have an amazing job working on obtaining citizenship and legalization for children under the age of twenty-one years old. Working so closely on a matter that means so much to me has been one of the most fulfilling job experiences I have ever had. I look forward to continuing in this line of work, to hopefully be able to attend law school in the near future with the plan of becoming an immigration attorney myself. Now with a lot more time to spare I have started to volunteer my time at a local food pantry in the city of Somerville. In the current world we live in, I strongly believe it is important to lend a hand to others because we are all living through this pandemic together. Other than that, the most exciting thing I have done with fall was adopting two little kittens (named Noodle and Chichi) to keep me entertained and constantly on my toes. I would like to thank MVYouth again for making my dream of becoming the first college graduate in my family come true. I truly would not be in the position I am today without all your help and support. Because of you guys I have a job I am passionate about and can plan for my future without worrying about debt.

Marlla Lemos - UMASS, Boston


This fall semester classmates became close friends, and an internship became a job. Adulthood crept in more than ever and with it came anxiety but also excitement. Although this semester was by far the most difficult, the light at the end of the tunnel for me was the three elective classes that stand in the way of me and my diploma. This semester I had the privilege to work with an amazing professor named Ester Shapiro on a project close to my heart. This project then allowed me and my classmates to start an initiative program called the Special Immigrant Awareness Initiative. The goal of our project was to help immigrant children become aware of their rights. With the main goal to showcase possible paths to citizenship some children are eligible for but they may not be aware of for many different factors. Our hard work and passion for this project granted us the opportunity to present our work at the undergraduate research conference held at UMASS Amherst.Words can not describe how ecstatic I am for the upcoming semester. Thanks to all the support from MVYouth, in May I will be the first in my entire family to obtain a higher education diploma. I am forever grateful for this opportunity. Thank you so much.

Marlla Lemos - UMASS, Boston


This past semester at UMass Boston I had the opportunity to work with amazing professors from all over the world. The amount of diversity on campus is something that I will always cherish. I began my days this passed semester trying to learn a fourth language, which went amazingly well, until I started my Italian final exam presentation in Spanish! After Italian, I learned about Moral Issues in Medicine with the most brilliant professor who also grew up in a tiny island, but her little island was off the coast of England. Later, I learned about fascinating Social and Political Thinkers with a professor from Israel, who knew way too much information about the Peloponnesian war. My favorite class this semester was Immigration Politics, which was taught by an incredible professor who was born and raised in Mexico. Lastly, I ended my days in a cultural food studies class that specialized in Indian cuisine due to the fact that my professor was an Indian chef!

This semester I also had the opportunity to spent time in New York city visiting the United Nations Headquarters learning about public policy. All of these opportunities would not have been possible without the amazing support I have from MVYouth. Thank you to MVYouth for the continued support, I cannot wait for all the opportunities the next three semesters have to offer.

Marlla Lemos - UMASS, Boston

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Although the year was full of ups and downs, my first semester of sophomore year was on of the best so far. This semester, I discovered my passion for critical thinking, and declared my major in Ethics, Social, and Political Philosophy in hopes to one day fulfill my dream of becoming an immigration lawyer. I have also declared a minor in Human Rights, and Spanish Language. I have so many exciting and challenging classes to look forward to in the upcoming spring semester, together with an opportunity to job shadow the Assistant District Attorney at Middlesex County District Attorney's Office! All these amazing opportunities are made possible thanks to the MVYouth community, I just want say how grateful I am to be able to finish every semester strong, because school is my only job and priority.

Marlla Lemos - UMASS, Boston


This past semester at UMass Boston has been full of exciting experiences and opportunities. Attending a University that is so close to the heart of Boston allows for classes to extend beyond the four walls of the classroom and into the city. My English class ventured into the historic city on a hill and explored places such as The Boston Athenaeum, Museum of Fine Arts, and Mapparium. If it weren’t for this English class I would not have gotten to know Boston as well as I do now and been introduced to resources such as The Boston Public Library, where I now spend many afternoons preparing for my classes. Living near Boston has also allowed me to broaden my perspective on life and society beyond the Island which is incredibly valuable, since growing up on the Island led to a relatively sheltered childhood. All of the opportunities I now have within my University are possible thanks to the MVYouth scholarship. This scholarship has allowed me to attend a University that challenges me intellectually, while also presenting opportunities to grow as an individual in a diverse environment where there is much to be learned from my peers and the city nearby.