Hanna Santos - Cape Cod Community College

This fall was for sure, a fresh start. College, work, new circle of people, and adjusting to the idea of not being in high school anymore. It has been a significant change for me, and I’m still adapting to this new phase of my life, but it has been a great adventure so far. I started my college journey at Cape Cod Community College by taking online classes. I’m a psychology major. I was so nervous when school was about to begin because I didn’t know what it would be like. To be honest, it has been the most wholesome experience of my life. I took this psychology course, where I learned so much about why we behave the way we do, and I already feel like an actual psychologist ready to work in my field. Studying psychology is not just about learning about the human mind and behavior. It's also an opportunity to learn about yourself. As you delve into the complexities of the human psyche, you may find that you gain a deeper understanding of your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I am profoundly grateful for MVYouth and the opportunity they have given me. It has not only lightened the financial load but has also empowered me to pursue my educational aspirations with determination and confidence. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and will continue to work hard to honor the faith that has been placed in me. I am grateful for the support of the scholarship and the doors it has opened for me, and I hope to pay it forward by making a positive impact in my chosen field and giving back to the community in the future.