JP Alves - University of San Diego

This past year has been unlike any other. Coming off of an entirely virtual academic semester and restarting classes in-person has beckoned a new wave of adaptability, which was completely unforeseen. I was eager to return to classrooms and live life a bit more the way we were all used to before the pandemic, and fortunately, the entire San Diego community feels the same! There are more opportunities than ever, and I have definitely made the most of them. My most recent endeavor has been joining the professional business fraternity on campus, Delta Sigma Pi, which has enhanced my knowledge of the commercial world and introduced me to the vast field of business. DSP has exposed me to the extensive career paths one can take when searching for a profession that fits best.

Throughout classes, internships, and seminars, I have been settling into the idea of pursuing an international career path within business law. I am grateful for the numerous opportunities for internships here in San Diego because so many career paths can be explored, and I am counting on staying here throughout next summer to keep working towards my professional goals. Thankfully, the University of San Diego offers an incredible study abroad opportunity for semester programs, which I intend to take advantage of next fall. The international aspect of my future career is vital and studying abroad will further my comprehension of the global business environment. There is no doubt in my mind that MVYouth is to thank for all my dreams coming true. I am incredibly grateful for the support I receive from this magnificent organization and will continue to work hard to one day give back to this philanthropy that has so generously helped me.