Emma Searle - Boston College

This fall has been my penultimate semester at Boston College. I look forward to graduating in the spring with a degree in Philosophy (Perspectives Concentration) and Communication. Having been led to BC’s Perspectives Program my freshman year through my core requirements, I’ve so enjoyed the pursuit of a Perspectives Concentration in Philosophy that has spanned almost four years now. Unique to BC, the Perspectives track is an interdisciplinary program of four year-long courses that are connected by foundational philosophical texts and principles. This semester I finished Perspectives III: Horizons of the New Social Sciences, which offers a philosophical frame to subtopics of sociology and economics, among others. In the spring I will wrap up Perspectives IV: New Scientific Visions, which focuses on the history and philosophy of the natural sciences. I spent this past summer in Boston as an intern at FGS Global (formerly Sard Verbinnen & Co.), a strategic communications firm. At FGS I was afforded the opportunity to witness a variety of communication-related situations unfold across a variety of different industries. Over the course of the summer I worked on both group and individual projects that were presented to the firm at the end of the program. I am so fortunate to take with me invaluable lessons from observing and working to support a host of professionals with a breadth of experience and expertise in the field of communications. This year I’ve also enjoyed continuing my involvement with the Undergraduate Government of Boston College and the Boston College Dance Ensemble, both of which have led to some of my most cherished memories at BC. As these four years come to an end all too soon, I am continuously reminded of my immeasurable gratitude for MVYouth and your indispensable support.